Being injured in an accident can be an incredibly traumatic experience, both physically and emotionally. You might move through feelings of anger, fear, shock, and anxiety. You might feel these emotions right after the accident, or they might arise in the days and weeks following your accident. All those feelings are normal, and most people who’ve experienced personal injuries from accidents experience them.
While these feelings sometimes subside over time, for some people, life never quite goes back to normal. Trauma can become debilitating, and it is something that can be accounted for in a personal injury trial as you seek compensation for your damages with the help of a personal injury attorney.
When Trauma Turns Into PTSD
Just like physical injuries, emotional trauma takes time to heal. However, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) can develop and alters the way you think and behave. This can go on for years. You might experience a fear of getting into a vehicle (if you were in a car accident), pervasive anxiety, insomnia or nightmares, and feeling disconnected from the real world. You might also find the event replaying in your mind and that you cannot control these invasive thoughts.
Talking About Your Experience
Physical therapy isn’t the only type of therapy you might need. One part of recovering from a traumatic event includes talking about your experience. Keeping your feelings bottled up will only allow unhelpful thoughts and feelings to continue interrupting your life. Whether you open up to a close friend, a family member, or a professional counselor, speaking with someone can help you work through your emotions.
Speaking about your feelings can help you mentally prepare to take your personal injury case to court. Make sure you get documentation from your counselor to help your personal injury lawyer advocate for you.
Following Up with Your Doctor
Make sure that you get help for all your injuries, both physical and emotional. Keeping your medical care team in the loop is important for a sustained recovery. Your health matters so don’t hesitate to be seen for all of your symptoms.
You might be embarrassed to talk about your PTSD symptoms, but your primary care doctor will be able to help refer you to a mental health counselor if you do not already have one. There is no shame in reaching out and asking for help as you go about trying to get into a daily routine and resume your life as much as possible.
Reduce Your Stress Levels
It is normal to experience some degree of stress in your daily life, especially after sustaining an accident-related injury. It is, however, important to keep your stress levels in check as too much stress will hold you back from recovery.
You can relieve your stress in a variety of ways, but practicing meditative breathing and utilizing sensory input methods can help you lessen your stress on the spot. You might also want to try yoga, get plenty of sleep every night, and find the time to relax your mind and body.
Hire a Personal Injury Attorney
Your job is to focus on your recovery – both physically and emotionally. Hiring a personal injury attorney to deal with the legal aspect of your case takes some of the stress off from your shoulders. Your attorney can help you gain compensation for all of your damages by filing a personal injury claim.
A lawyer can answer your questions and help you figure out whether you want to take an offered settlement or push to go to court for potentially more compensation. Personal injury attorneys are aware of how accidents can trigger PTSD responses and how, coupled with physical injuries, they can ruin someone’s life.
Recovering from an accident in which you have been injured can take a long time. You might find yourself feeling even more anxious and stressed about your mounting medical bills and loss of income from time off from work. However, hiring a personal injury attorney can help lessen the burden and get you the compensation you deserve.