November 29, 2022

You may have an office job and wish to tone up those muscles, or you have just decided that age is catching up with you, whatever the reason for wanting to elevate your fitness levels, we offer some good advice to help you become a fitter person.

Ailment Free

Prior to starting a fitness campaign, it is important that you are not suffering from any ailment or illness; over 50s should pay their GP a visit and have a full check-up and if you are not on any medication, you can start with a not too strenuous work out. You are about to make some big changes in your life, at least physically, and it might help to pay your local physio in Penrith a visit, to check that you are ready for strenuous exercise.

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Start with a Basic Work Out

No one should go from complete physical inactivity to a full-blown work out, the body needs time to become acclimatised to a new routine. Start with a few reps of each exercise and yes, you will ache the following day. Keep things easy for the first week, then you can gradually add weight/reps/time as your body gets used to high energy output. After 2 weeks, you can begin to push yourself, but remember to take a rest day every 4 days. Build muscle quick with these tips.

Stay Hydrated

The human body needs water, especially when working hard; sweat needs to be replaced and if you are embarking on a fitness routine, make sure you drink at least 8 glasses of water per day. If you don’t normally drink much water, things are very different when working out, so invest in a stainless-steel water bottle and carry it with you wherever you go.

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Health & Fitness Apps

There are many health and fitness apps and most are free; you can measure your heart rate and monitor your diet; browse Play Store and you’ll find a host of apps for fitness enthusiasts. Wearing sensors can give you a lot of data to help you achieve your fitness goals.

Dietary Information

If you are aiming to build muscle mass, you should buy some protein powder; simply mix a scoopful with water and you have 2000 calories; have one per day, about 40 minutes after your workout and that will assist your body build up the extra muscle mass. Make sure you enjoy a balanced diet with lots of eggs and white meat, while not forgetting carbs; your body will not be able to perform at optimum levels if your diet is lacking in essentials.

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The Importance of Warming Up & Down

You cannot go from inactivity straight into a demanding physical work out; rather you need to do a few stretches and get your muscles and tendons ready for some serious action. YouTube hosts a lot of get fit videos that demonstrate warming up and warming down when the session is over and this reduces the risk of pulling a muscle.




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